Despite the often difficult and time-consuming effort of performing experiments with fast (14 MeV) neutrons, these neutrons can offer special insight into nucleus and other materials because of the absence of charge. 14 MeV Neutrons: ...
Focusing on New and Emerging Technologies Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2007 International Conference on Advanced Manufacture, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., November 26-November 28, 2007
Skillfully blending the knowledge of recent history, the wisdom of cutting-edge research, and promise of future trends, this book offers hospitality organizations the advice they need to survive and thrive in today's competitive global ...
In part, this book had its origins in a symposium on this subject that was held at the annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America in Louisville, Kentucky, USA in December, 1988.
With this long-awaited book, Ivo Banac becomes the first scholar to assess the domestic consequences of Yugoslavia's expulsion from the Cominform, and his findings will radically revise some of our most basic assumptions about Tito's ...